祝願 諸位同學檀那護法
2025年 寓意着生活輝煌和明亮,
Happy New Year 2025 !
If everything belongs to him, it is called suffering; if everything belongs to you, you will be free and happy.
“The Mahaparinirvana Sutra”~
“There is self” and “no self” are both convenient terms. The highest state is to reach the state of selflessness. Selflessness is a nirvana world that transcends time and space and eliminates discrimination. However, in the real world, we still have suffering and happiness, and it is not easy to achieve “selflessness”.
「有我」和「無我」都是方便的術語。 最高的境界就是達到無我的境界。 無我是超越時空、消除分別的涅槃世界。 然而,在現實世界中,我們依然有苦有樂,要做到「無我」並不容易。
Where does this joy and sorrow come from?
People often feel that they are suffering more than others because others have money but I don’t; others have houses but I don’t; others have everything but I don’t. Especially when you see others being prosperous and wealthy while you are in poverty, jealousy will arise spontaneously; when you see others having everything ready-made, but you have nothing, it is even more miserable.
人們常常覺得自己比別人受苦,因為別人有錢,我沒有; 別人有房子我沒有; 別人擁有一切,但我沒有。 尤其是當你看到別人榮華富貴,而你卻貧窮時,嫉妒心就會油然而生; 當你看到別人已經萬事具備,而你卻一無所有時,那就更悲慘了。
Therefore, many people do things with an unhappy heart. They always think that the company and factory are yours and not mine, so they are lazy and do things. They are unwilling to do many good deeds in society. They are always thinks that doing good deeds only benefits others and has nothing to do with me. Once a person has such a mentality, no matter where he goes, he will feel that life is very painful. Just like today’s political circles, when national affairs are handled with prejudice, jealousy, and revenge, how can there be a great love to rejuvenate the people?
所以,很多人都是懷著不快樂的心做事的。 他們總以為公司、工廠是你的,不是我的,所以懶散了事。 社會上很多的善行,他們也不願意去做,總認為做好事只是對別人有利益,和我一點關係也沒有。一個人一旦有了這樣的心態,無論走到哪裡,都會覺得人生很痛苦。 正如當今政壇,當帶著偏見、嫉妒、報復來處理國家大事時,怎麼會有振興人民的大愛呢?
If you change your perspective and say “everything is up to you”, you will be “free and happy”. Just like farming, if you think this is your own field, even if you sweat all over, it will be you who will harvest in the future, so you will be happy to do it; similarly, as long as you can bring benefits to the world If you treat many tasks as your own, you will naturally be willing to take on them.
如果你換個角度說“一切都由你決定”,你就會“自由快樂”。 就像種田一樣,如果你認為這是自己的田地,即使你渾身流汗,將來收穫的也是你,所以你就會高興地干; 同樣的,只要你能為世界帶來利益,如果你把很多事情當成自己的事情,你自然會願意去承擔。
Then, when you think this world is mine, this world is mine! How can you not care about the world? I think the river is mine, the park is mine, and the road is mine. Why don’t I want it to be neat and beautiful? We believe that this world and all living beings are a community of life related to us. How can we not hope that everyone can coexist and prosper together, live and work in peace and contentment, and be happy and prosperous?
那麼,當你認為這個世界是我的時候,這個世界就是我的了! 怎麼能不關心這個世界呢? 我認為河流是我的,公園是我的,道路是我的。我為什麼不希望它整潔漂亮呢? 我們相信這個世界和眾生是與我們相關的生命共同體。 我們怎麼能不希望大家能夠共存共榮、安居樂業、幸福富裕呢?
May be asked him: “Whose country is this? Whose world is this?” If he says, “That is my home.” Only then will he live here and take care of his home and not destroy his home.
可能問他:“這是誰的國家?這是誰的世界?” 如果他說:“那是我的家。” 只有這樣,他才會住在這裡,照顧好他的家,而不是破壞他的家。
If a person can feel that everything in the world is related to him, he will naturally be happy about it and then coexist harmoniously with it, then he can have a free and happy life!
The Buddha deeply understood that all the suffering in the world came from selfishness and no shared joy, so the Buddha sought a complete solution. Eighty-four thousand Dharma doors were created to adapt to different types of dimensional classes. These Dharma doors help All living beings need to get rid of the troubles caused by greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance, love of opinion, etc., and gradually move towards freedom from suffering and happiness, and escape from the reincarnation of life and death.
Everything in the world is related to me,
cherish it and take care of it!
