During August 2024, I had the opportunity to join my Buddhism teacher on a trip to Alaska for a study program. This journey was a chance for me to reflect on myself, and as all disciples were required to submit homework after completing the travel course, it was a truly enriching experience.
2024年8月,我有機會和我的佛教老師一起去阿拉斯加參加學習計畫。 這次旅行對我來說是一個反思自己的機會,而且由於所有弟子在完成旅行課程後都需要提交作業,這真是一次豐富的經歷。
First, we flew from Boston to Seattle, disembarked, and faced the airport traffic. Due to a lack of planning, I was uncertain of the direction to take an Uber, resulting in a delay as I asked for directions. We then proceeded to our pre-booked hotel.
首先,我們從波士頓飛往西雅圖,下機,面對機場的交通。 由於缺乏計劃,我不確定搭乘 Uber 的方向,導致問路耽誤了時間。 隨後我們前往提前預訂的酒店。
I didn’t plan my trip to Seattle in advance, resulting we in frustration and wasted time. I couldn’t navigate the map on my phone and didn’t know where to visit or eat on a rainy day. I felt embarrassed that my Sifu My had to act as a tour guide to show us around.
我沒有提前計畫西雅圖的旅行行程,導致大家感覺沮喪和浪費時間。 我無法在手機上導航地圖,也不知道下雨天去哪裡參觀或吃飯。 我感到很尷尬,因為我的師父不得不充當導遊帶我們參觀。
We embarked on the third day and spent 8 days and 7 nights aboard the ship. The massive Princess Cruise ship has 18 decks and weighs 140,000 tons, offering luxurious accommodations and amenities. There are various dining options, bars, entertainment venues, a casino, fitness facilities, and an opera house. The ship also features a spa, shopping center, youth and children’s activity areas, hot tubs, steam rooms, and tile-made warm benches for ultimate relaxation. Despite the abundance of activities and amenities, I found myself disinterested and often lost on the ship. I struggled to navigate the vast vessel, even after seven days on board.
我們第三天上船,在船上度過了8天7夜。 這艘巨大的公主遊輪擁有 18 個甲板,重達 14 萬噸,提供豪華的住宿和設施。 這裡有各種餐飲場所、酒吧、娛樂場所、賭場、健身設施和歌劇院。 船上還設有水療中心、購物中心、青少年和兒童活動區、熱水浴缸、蒸氣浴室以及瓷磚製成的溫暖長凳,供您終極放鬆。 儘管有豐富的活動和便利設施,我發現自己對船上一切不感興趣,並且經常迷路。 即使在船上已經待了 7 天,我還是很難在這艘巨大的船上尋找方向。
On the cruise ship, dance gymnastics with music and guidance from coaches occurred. Sifu encouraged me to participate, highlighting the benefits for Dharma’s spread. However, I was uninterested and felt stubborn, leaving after two minutes. My attitude towards new experiences was wrong, and I isolated myself. In fact, It is important to be open to new experiences and integrate with others, regardless of one’s dedication to Buddhism studies.
遊輪上,伴隨著音樂和教練的指導進行舞蹈體操。 師父鼓勵我參與,強調了這對傳播佛法有幫助。 但我沒有興趣,也很固執,參與了兩分鐘後就離開了。 我對學習新經驗的態度是錯的,我孤立了自己。 其實無論一個人致力於佛教研究如何,對新體驗持開放態度並與他人融合都是很重要。
Onboard activities offered tourists a complimentary gift, but I refrained due to long lines and the perception of it being troublesome. Sifu helped me realize it was a learning opportunity in real-life environments, like the one with 4,000 passengers on the sea. However, my habits proved incompatible with my life, such as ordering only a bowl of soup at dinner and causing confusion for the service staff. I also failed to notice if others were full and relied on Sifu to order food for my daughter, revealing my shortcomings as a mother. I aimed to learn from Sifu during the trip despite feeling unqualified.
船上的活動為遊客提供了免費禮物,但由於排長隊並且覺得很麻煩,我沒有參加。 師父幫助我認識到這是一個在現實生活環境中學習的機會,例如海上有 4,000 名乘客的環境。 但我的習慣卻與生活格格不入,例如晚餐只點一碗湯,給服務人員帶來了困擾。 我也沒注意到別人是否吃飽了,又全靠師父給女兒點菜,暴露了我作為一個母親的缺陷。 儘管覺得自己不夠資格,但我還是想在這趟旅行中向師父學習。
There were two formal dinners on the ship, and everyone must dress up for the banquet. I didn’t care about matching my clothes to the dinner surroundings. Service staff greeted me multiple times, but I ignored them, leading Sifu to severely criticize me for being too dull and rude.
船上有兩場正式晚宴,大家必須盛裝出席宴會。 我不在乎我的衣服是否與晚餐環境相符。 服務人員多次向我打招呼,但我無視他們,導致師父嚴厲批評我太遲鈍和粗魯。
Throughout my learning experience, I discovered that avoiding eye contact while speaking was a mistake that caused misunderstandings and gave a bad impression. Thankfully, Sifu brought it to my attention, allowing me to improve my communication skills.
在我的學習過程中,我發現說話時避免目光接觸是一個錯誤,會引起誤解並給人留下不好的印象。 值得慶幸的是,師父讓我注意到了這一點,讓我提升了溝通技巧。
I need to work on being more patient when explaining things to family and friends, rather than assuming they understand. Avoiding conflicts and not changing my ways leads me to view family as critics and debtors. So, how can I have a happy life with this attitude? My failures as a mother, wife, and daughter stem from not giving my best. For instance, during a recent trip while ashore in Juneau, Alaska, I took a lot of photos but didn’t pay attention to the composition or obstacles, resulting in a lack of beauty in the photos. Sifu pointed out that my selfishness and disregard for others’ feelings cause family problems.
在向家人和朋友解釋事情時,我需要更有耐心,而不是假設他們已經理解。 避免衝突和不改變我的方式導致我將家人視為批評者和債務人。 那麼,抱著這樣的態度,我如何會擁有幸福的生活呢? 身為母親、妻子和女兒,我的失敗源自於沒有盡力而為。 例如,最近一次在阿拉斯加朱諾上岸時,我拍了很多照片,但沒有注意構圖或障礙物,導致照片缺少美感。 師父指出我的自私和不顧他人感受導致了家庭出問題。
Just like my current situation, I had always thought that I worked hard for my family, but there were no practical results. Instead, many problems arose, which were, in fact, my own fault. Sifu’s comment was, ‘You are selfish, insensitive, and don’t speak well, causing all the family problems.’ For example, the day before we left the ship, I sat with Sifu at a small round table in the hall, listening to her detailed instructions on how to catch the plane once the ship docked. However, I didn’t hear a word she said, appearing completely lost when she asked again.To improve, I need to focus on being more attentive and considerate towards others.
就像我現在的情況一樣,我一直以為自己是為了家人而努力,但卻沒有任何實際的結果。 相反,出現了很多問題,其實都是我自己的錯。 師父的評價是:“你自私、麻木不仁、不善言辭,造成了所有的家庭問題。” 例如,在我們離船的前一天,師父和我坐在大廳的一張小圓桌上,聽她詳細指導如何在船靠岸後趕飛機。 然而,我沒有聽到她說的任何一句話,當她再次詢問時,我顯得完全茫然。
While on board in the morning study class , I did not wear the Buddhist mantle correctly due to a lack of practice, so Sifu highlighted the importance of daily practice to retain the precepts. During this journey from Seattle to a seven-day sea voyage, I learned about self-conservation. I now understand the meaning of self-inferiority, which includes having a limited perspective and lacking exposure to diverse social and humanistic environments, resulting in physical and mental barriers. When facing challenges, I tend to avoid them and make excuses. However, after receiving the Bodhisattva precepts, I failed to study them seriously, and I’m unsure of how to keep them or cultivate bodhichitta with such a weak foundation. Sifu advised me to let go of past mistakes and start fresh. I must listen attentively and positively to correct my mistakes and train my heart to be still and unwavering, free from emotional distractions.
在船上早課的時候,由於缺乏練習,我沒有正確地佩搭戒衣,所以師父強調了日常修行對於持戒的重要性。 在這次從西雅圖出發的7天海上航行中,我學會了自我保護。 我現在明白了自卑的意義,它包括有限的視野,缺乏接觸多樣化的社會和人文環境,導致身體和心理上的障礙。 當面臨挑戰時,我傾向於迴避它們並找藉口。 但受了菩薩戒後,我卻沒有認真學學,基礎如此薄弱,不知道如何持戒、如何修菩提心。 師父建議我放棄過去錯誤的觀念並重新開始。 我必須用心、積極地傾聽,糾正自己的錯誤,訓練自己的心靈平靜不動搖,不受情緒幹擾。
The trip to Alaska for studying has been a humbling experience, like an alert of hit. Before meeting Sifu, I was under the impression that I had learned a lot and had many theories, but no one criticized me, and I didn’t recognize my own faults. Since learning from my master(Sifu), I have come to understand the significance of progressing step by step from the basics. Although I scored zero points on this exam, which is shameful, I am determined to continue working hard. I am grateful for Sifu’s compassionate teaching. Namo Amitabha Buddha!
去阿拉斯加學習的旅程是一次令人羞愧的經歷,就像遭遇襲擊的警報一樣。 在遇到師父之前,我的印像是我學到了很多東西,有很多理論,但沒有人批評我,我也沒有認清自己的錯誤。 自從跟隨師父學習之後,我開始懂得從基礎開始一步步進步的意義。 雖然這次考試我得了零分,很丟臉,但我決心繼續努力。 感恩師父的慈悲教導。 南無阿彌陀佛!
by Holly Killmeyer
