阿彌陀佛!我相信大家經常聽過”無明”這個名相,同學問我,究竟什麼是無明呢?佛說:「一切痛苦都產生於無明。」人由無知產生偏見與物質的需求,便生了苦惱。由此大家都明白了,無明就是無知。有無明就會產生痛苦。無明就是煩惱根,什麼是無明?不知道過去未來,不知道過去未來的關係;不知道內外,行為和後果;不知道遇見三寶的珍貴;不知道怎樣中止苦的方法;不知道四諦法——苦、集、滅、道;不知道因,也不知道果;不知道善惡;也不知道有罪和無罪;不知道好壞,乾淨和汙穢,全都不知。那麼這個不知就引起了”無明”。我們的六種感官,六根所引發的後果不能真正去知道。對于每一段發生的因緣,使我們痛苦了,對渴望、歡喜、厭惡、愛欲的原因,半知不解,不能全部的洞然明白。那麼,這些癡暗就叫做無明。所以無明是沒有智慧,不能如實明瞭通達一切法理跟實相的心理狀態。 在魏源大師所著的《大乘義藏》說:「依法不了謂無明。」就是說不明一切法,無明者癡暗之心,所以叫無明。”無明”給我們帶來很多的苦難,它是一個不善法。
Amitofu! I believe that you have often heard the term “ignorance”. Classmate asked me:What exactly is ignorance?
The Buddha said: “All suffering arises from ignorance.”
Man’s prejudice and material needs arise from ignorance, and then suffering arises. From this everyone understands it is ignorance. Ignorance creates suffering. Ignorance is the root of affliction.
What is ignorance? I don’t know what are the past and the future, I don’t know the relationship between the past and the future; I don’t know the inside and outside, behavior and consequences; I don’t know the preciousness of meeting the Three Jewels; I don’t know how to stop suffering; don’t know the Four Noble Truths—suffering, origin, cessation, and Tao; don’t know cause, don’t know effect; don’t know good and evil; don’t know at all! Then these “Do not Know” causes “Ignorance”.
Our consequences caused by the six sense organs cannot be truly known. For each cause and condition that occurs, we suffer, and we are half-aware of the reasons for desire, joy, disgust, and love, and cannot fully understand them. Therefore, ignorance is the lack of wisdom, the mental state of not being able to understand and comprehend all dharma principles and truth truthfully.
In the “Mahayana Yi Zang” written by Master Wei Yuan, it is said: “not following the law clearly is ignorance.”Then, these obscurities are called ignorance. It means ignorance of all dharmas, the obsessed mind of the ignorant, so it is called ignorance. “Ignorance” brings us a lot of suffering, it is an akusala.
The ignorance of the twelve causes and conditions is placed first, and the first is ignorance. Ignorance means not knowing the truth. Even if you know it, it is just a wrong perception. Can’t see clearly Suffering from cataracts, can’t see each other clearly? What about goals? Even though I saw it, it was not accurate. This is the mind eye covered by ignorance. In other words, our mind is covered by ignorance, and we do not know the reality, or have no way to correctly understand this reality. Or knowing it, or being wrong. The life that “ignorance” brings to us is darkness. So “ignorance” is an unwholesome affliction, and the most fundamental culprit of reincarnation is “ignorance”.

我們每個人都活在無明當中。現代人整天似乎很忙,忙什麼呢?忙滿足自己心中的欲望。對嗎?滿腦子都是”我與我所”,這是我的,這是我所擁有的,或者我所想得到什麼。一輩子都在 “我” 與 “物” 之間無法自拔,因為不瞭解生命與宇宙真相,人往往會產生一種偏面的認知,人的認知是世俗的認知。從來不信因果,也不知道業和輪廻,更不知道世間的緣起,所以人并沒有真正的認識自己,不認識一切的事情。人更不知道痛苦和輪廻的根源是什麼?或者人有一點認識,可是把 “我” 錯解了,有的人念佛自以為是“我在念佛”,以為這是正確的認知,這“我”真的在念佛嗎?這種錯誤的認知就是無明。
We all live in ignorance. Modern people seem to be very busy all day, what are they busy with? Busy to satisfy the desire in your heart. Is it right?
The mind is full of “me and mine”, this is mine, this is what I have, or what I want. I have been stuck between “I” and “things” all my life, because I don’t understand the truth of life and the universe, people often have a partial cognition, which is a secular cognition.
We never believe in cause and effect, we don’t know about karma and reincarnation, and we don’t know about interdependence in the world, so people don’t really know themselves or everything.
People still don’t know what is the root of suffering and reincarnation? Or people have a little understanding, but they misunderstand “I”. Some people think that they are “I am chanting Buddha” and think that this is the correct cognition. Is this “I” really chanting Buddha? This false perception is ignorance.
Because we all have wrong perceptions and upside-down behaviors, all kinds of troubles arise. Greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogance, doubt, and wrong views in the three poisons are all accompanying afflictions of our body, the so-called fundamental afflictions.
That is, they will cause us to undergo the cycle of life and death, so in a nutshell, because we don’t know, we have a one-sided and wrong understanding, which leads to our delusions and attachments. Such delusions and attachments cause afflictions.
On the premise of afflictions, our body, speech, and mind create various good and evil behaviors. Then you may ask: Will this good and evil behavior stop? Won’t! He will continue to create, and finally produce is to accept the result. To explain more clearly that ignorance and afflictions are ignorance of the truth, making us fascinated and creating karma. After creating karma, some phenomena in the realms will appear, and the realms are the retribution. The suffering of samsara is the result of ignorance.
Any life will have a common point of view: unwilling to accept pain. Right? We all don’t want to have pain, we all want to get rid of suffering and find happiness. To seek the way to get rid of suffering and attain happiness, we must first understand ignorance clearly. We don’t know what ignorance is? Where does ignorance arise? When ignorance comes, we don’t even know it, so how can we deal with it?
For example, if you pursue happiness but get pain, it is because you do not know the right way to seek happiness. Because people have self-attachment to happiness, this is my family, this is my daughter, this is my something, because of self-attachment, greed, hatred and ignorance arise. The apparently happy family has become broken and miserable, all because of greed, hatred and ignorance that created the ignorant karma.
A greedy person, with a fluke mentality of getting something for nothing, thinks that if he wins more money, he can make his family live comfortably. In fact, the benefits of getting something for nothing are not stable at all, and may even lead to risky and difficult endings; an angry person, because of his dissatisfaction, a single word will retaliate against others, commit acts of violence against others, conspiracy to assassinate others, or slander, and so on. One day he will be discovered and ruined, and even endanger his life and lose his freedom.
Those who are greedy and angry are all manifestations of ignorance, because they lack self-knowledge, cannot reflect on their own behaviors that are not good and inappropriate, and cannot extricate themselves and restrain ignorant behaviors, they become the most ignorant people.

無知是無明而引起,無明是非常的不好,是一個不善法。 我們知道無明在哪裡呢?譬如說我們睡著了,迷迷糊糊的一無所知的那種感覺。那時候的表現就是無明。但是這個無明有時候不是迷迷糊糊的,有時候他很聰明的。譬如現代很多人製造一些假的食物,販賣毒品等等,他們是爲了賺更多的錢來害人。他應該是很聰明的吧,他可能是一個高級知識份子,其實,他這種行為本身就是無明和愚昧。自以為是,耍一點小聰明,高科技,以不正當的手段掙錢去騙人,害人。這樣做還以為別人不知道,結果被抓了,絕對是自食其果的。
So we know what caused by ignorance, ignorance is very bad, it is an akusala dharma. Where do we know ignorance? For example, the feeling that we fell asleep and didn’t know anything. At that time, the performance was ignorance. But sometimes this ignorance is not in a daze, and sometimes it is very smart. For example, many people manufacture some fake food, sell drugs, etc., in order to make more money and harm others. He must be very smart, he may be a high-level intellectual, but in fact, his behavior itself is ignorance and foolish. Self-righteous, playing a little clever, high-tech, using improper means to make money to deceive and harm people. Doing this and thinking that others don’t know about it, but getting caught is definitely reaping the consequences.
Such petty cleverness is also counted above ignorance. So ignorance is a psychological phenomenon opposed to wisdom. Originally all dharmas are emptiness, ignorance not only does not understand emptiness, but also stubbornly believes that everything cannot be emptiness, and he thinks everything is true, so the source of ignorance is very clear Tathagatagarbha. But ignorance is polluted behind, so we need to get rid of ignorance to get relief, and we need to learn to have wisdom.
When learning Buddhism, don’t just burn incense and kowtow. Even though burning incense and kowtowing is a good thing, it cannot be regarded as a nemesis or a tool to change destiny. We must know the true meaning and purpose of burning incense and kowtow. What is that for? It is because we can accomplish listening, thinking and cultivating.
Burning incense and kowtow is just a sincere and respectful act of expressing the Dharma. Through burning incense and kowtow, we can generate wisdom through listening, contemplating and cultivating. With wisdom, we can overthrow ignorance. Ignorance hinders us. The first obstacle is to let us have delusions. We often have delusions and wrong cognitions. This is the obstacle that we cannot truly know the truth. When we know the truth, we have no delusions or attachments, and we will not behave indiscriminately.
We don’t know how to respect our parents and teachers, have no ethics and morality, and forget loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, and selfishness and malice appear. We know that this is a very serious trend in today’s society, all caused by ignorance.
(To be continued…..)Thank you for your time to read
Amitofu 🙏
( 待續。。。。。)阿彌陀佛!