People need to be self-aware, don’t you know how much you have? Don’t even forget your ancestors because of a few compliments from others, let alone lose your mind and get angry because of a few words from others. Getting angry will only reduce your IQ, and it will be easier to fall into the trap of your opponent and let him manipulate you.
There is a saying: “Curiosity killed the cat.” Don’t be too curious about unimportant things, so as not to bring disasters on yourself.
The reason why the enemy is strong is because of the fragility of your heart. Before facing the enemy, you must first face and overcome your inner fragility. When your heart is strong, you will not act irrationally because of other people’s words and deeds. When one can objectively judge the opponent’s purpose, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it is possible to defeat it.
Let us to read the flowlling story “The Crow and the Fox” in Aesop’s fables.
The fox tricked the crow into taking the meat by flattery, which made the crow very annoyed. After the crow was fooled, it vowed that it must learn a lesson and never be fooled by the fox again.
On this day, the crow stood on the tree with another piece of meat in its mouth, and when it was preparing a delicious meal, the fox quietly appeared under the tree again. The crow thought to himself: “Don’t try to get me a bad idea, I won’t listen to your flattery after learning the lesson from last time, even if you brag about me as a fairy, it’s useless.”
Just as the crow was thinking about how to guard against the fox’s flattery, he suddenly heard the fox speak. The fox said: “Crow, you big fool, big fool, big idiot, do you remember the last time you were tricked by me and gave me delicious meat for free? It can be seen from this incident that you Crows are the most useless animals in the world, what face do you have to live in this world, you might as well die.”
Hearing what the fox said, the crow trembled with anger. The crow said angrily: “You foxes have done all kinds of bad things, so you have no right to blame us crows. You bad-hearted guys, you will get your retribution sooner or later.”
The crow wanted to continue talking, but it suddenly found that the meat in its mouth had fallen into the fox’s mouth again. The fox is showing a smug smile.
狐狸用奉承的辦法騙取了烏鴉口中的肉,令烏鴉十分惱火。 烏鴉上當以後,牠發誓,一定要汲取教訓,以後不要再被狐狸騙了。這天,烏鴉站在樹上又叼著一塊肉,準備美餐一頓時,狐狸又悄然出現在樹下。 烏鴉心想:「甭想打我的壞主意,有了上次的教訓,我才不聽你的奉承呢,你就是把我吹噓成神仙也沒有用。」 正當烏鴉心裡盤算著如何防備狐狸吹捧的時候,忽然聽到狐狸說話了。 狐狸說:「烏鴉你這個大傻瓜、大笨蛋、大白癡,你還記得上次你上了我的當,把美味的肉白白地送給我的事嗎?從這件事可以看出,你們 烏鴉是天底下最沒有用的動物,你們有何顏面活在世上,不如死了算了。」聽了狐狸這番話,烏鴉氣得直哆嗦。 烏鴉氣憤地說:「你們狐狸壞事做盡,沒有資格指責我們烏鴉。你們這些壞了心腸的傢伙,早晚會得到報應的。」烏鴉還想繼續往下說,可牠忽然發現,自己嘴裡的肉又落人了狐狸口中。 狐狸正露出了得意的笑容。
Being fooled again, the crow was very annoyed. It warns itself not only to have the ability to resist flattery, but also to have the ability to resist abuse. Therefore, crows often practice the ability to deal with flattery and abuse. After repeated practice, the crow can handle any flattery and abuse with equanimity.
The days passed. On this day, the crow on the tree got another piece of meat. Suddenly, it found that the fox was staying under the tree, and immediately raised its vigilance. It warned itself that no matter what the fox said, he would resolutely not open his mouth and see what he could do. So, the crow quietly waited for the fox to make a move with the meat in its mouth.
However, the crow waited for a long time but did not hear the fox speak.
The crow wondered if the fox hadn’t found him. I must let the fox know that I have a piece of meat in my mouth, so that it can perform tricks and make a fool of itself. So, it said to the fox: “What trick do you have, use it quickly.” Before the crow finished speaking, it suddenly found that the meat in its mouth fell down again.
又上當了,烏鴉十分懊惱。 牠告誡自己,不但要有抵禦奉承的能力,還要有抵禦謾駡的能力。 於是,烏鴉經常練習對付奉承和謾駡的本領。 經過反復練習,烏鴉面對任何奉承和謾駡,都能做到泰然處之了。日子一天天過去。 這一天,樹上的烏鴉又獲得了一塊肉。 忽然,牠發現狐狸正待在樹下,立馬提高了警惕,牠告誡自己,不論狐狸說什麼,自己堅決不開口,看牠有什麼辦法。 於是,烏鴉叼著肉靜靜地等待狐狸出招。可是,烏鴉等了好久也沒有聽到狐狸說話。烏鴉心想是不是狐狸沒有發現自己。 必須讓狐狸知道我叼著一塊肉,讓牠表演一下花招,出一次醜。 於是,牠對狐狸說:「你有什麼花招,趕快使出來吧。」沒待烏鴉說完,猛然發現口中的肉又掉了下去。
Another trick. The crow beat his chest and stamped his feet, but it didn’t help.
The crow was very disappointed in himself. So, it found the elephant for advice.
The elephant said: “You have been deceived repeatedly because of your own weakness. The fox has firmly grasped your weakness, so it can deceive you as much as you like. No matter what method the fox uses, it will win you. In fact , your real opponent is yourself, not the fox. As long as you defeat yourself and overcome your weaknesses, the fox will have nothing to do.”
又中計了。 烏鴉捶胸頓足,但於事無補了。烏鴉對自己失望極了。 於是,牠找到了大象求教。大象說:「你屢屢被騙,是因為你自己有弱點,狐狸緊緊地抓住了你的弱點,於是便可隨心所欲地騙取你口中的肉。無論狐狸用什麼辦法,都會贏你。其實 ,你真正的對手是自己,而不是狐狸。只要你戰勝了自己,克服了弱點,狐狸也就無計可施了。」
This story is about “The Crow and the Fox” in Aesop’s fables. The fox wants to cheat the crow’s mouth, so he pretends to appreciate the beauty of the crow’s singing. I really hope to hear the crow’s wonderful singing again. When the crow believed it was true and sang, the beak loosened, and the meat fell to the tree and was taken away by the fox.
For the first time, the fox took advantage of the crow’s vanity and poured some soup to make it get carried away and sing.
The second time, the fox took advantage of the crow’s irritability and irascibility, and successfully tricked the crow into speaking.
The third time, the fox took advantage of the crow’s curiosity and made it fall into the trap.
這篇故事的前篇是伊索寓言故事裡的「烏鴉與狐狸」,狐狸想騙烏鴉嘴裡的肉,就故作欣賞讚美烏鴉的歌聲美麗,真希望能再聽到烏鴉那美妙的歌聲,當 烏鴉信以為真開口唱歌時,嘴一鬆,嘴裡的肉就掉到樹下被狐狸叼走了。
Dear readers, do you sometimes feel that you too are as foolish as a crow, or as treacherous as a fox?
Will you know how to learn to deal with your inner self-cultivation in the future?
