心中充滿偏見的人,永遠看不到事物的真相,看不到人的真面目。 他們的思想固執、固執,眼光狹隘,終有一天會受苦。
人生的後半段,一定要衝破自己的成見。不要有偏見,只談事和人。 我們可以根據各種細節來判斷和認識各種真理。人一旦放下成見,就能看清事物,了解人性。 這是正確決策的基礎。
People who are full of prejudices in their hearts can never see the truth of things and see the true face of people. Their thoughts are rigid, stubborn, and their vision is narrow, and one day they will suffer from it.
In the second half of life, you must break through your own prejudices.
Don’t be prejudiced, just talk about things and people. We can judge and recognize various truths based on various details.
Once people let go of their prejudices, they will be able to see things clearly and understand human nature. This is the basis for correct decision-making.
In the second half of your life, you have to overcome your own prejudices. Then based on your personal growth or the development of your thoughts, you will have a higher-level vision, and you will correctly think about the other party’s perspective, instead of being limited to people, things, surrounding, and being paranoid.
Only when you take the initiative to take this step, you should open yourself slowly and learn to show yourself to others. By conquering the psychological barrier of autism and accepting the compatibility between people and nature, people can have a truly healthy, and happy life, and all things in the universe can have a continuously extended lifespan.