師曰:當你看到這幅畫,你想到了什麼?誰能夠先講?自己看到這張 Picture ,給自己提醒一些感想分享,或者第一個的念頭馬上提醒自己了什麼?
(翻譯:Who can tell your first thinking when you saw the picture, you captured up, and you keep that picture and tell yourself. What is going on, on the picture what is related to yourself? )
Hoppy : 弟子試著分享一下,一看到這幅畫的感想,就是眾生也包括我自己在內,自己不知道自己的本來面目是怎樣的,要通過一個境緣,通過一面鏡來反映認識自己、來回觀自己的本來面目,才知道自己所反射出來的所有的一切。
師曰:她的意思是說,從這個 Picture 領會到若要想看清自己的本來的面目,則通過一個工具、境緣、這個鏡子才看到自己。
(翻譯 :What she means is that, from this picture, I understand that if you want to see your true face, you can only see yourself through a tool, circumstance, and this mirror.)
Holly : 日常的工作生活如同一面鏡子,如果離開現實的生活環境修行,我們就很難看到自己真實的面目。剛開始看到這張画,我想到的是,某個人看著鏡子画他自己,沒有別人,只有他自己在那裡。
Jin : 我的觀點是,他雖然對著鏡子看,他還是沒有看清楚自己,因為他所画的自己看起來跟真實的自己有很大的差別。鏡子裡的他戴眼鏡的,但是他的自畫像沒有戴眼鏡,看起來比鏡中的他好看很多。
Peter : He seems to have a hard time seeing himself clearly. Compared with the real him in the mirror, his paintings look much better.
(翻譯 :他好像很難看清楚自己,跟鏡子裡真實的他對比,他所画的自己要好看很多。)
Brian : Well, I mean first where he is drawing is not how he sees himself, he is drawing is how other people sees him. Because he is looking in the mirror, so sometimes like if he draws that, in the sense that he is grasping it permanence. This moment is as if who really he is, but really I mean it doesn’t captured the first person perspective, it is like the third person perspective. But you can’t really draw, you can try, like if I try to draw what’s look like from my eyes, it will be very funny. But already he’s drawing this image that other people has, that’s very momentary image, but he’s making it permanent when he draws it.
Kitty : 看到這張畫想到觀照自己,時間過得很快,真正的自己已經老了。
(翻譯 :When I saw this painting, I thought of looking at myself, time passed quickly, the real me was old.)
YueHing : 畫中人抽煙,他年老了不應該再抽煙了 ,他應該戒烟。
( 翻譯 :The person in the picture smokes, he should stop smoking when he is old, he should quit smoking.)
Hoppy : 他畫的是他想像中的自己,跟他現實中的自己太不一樣了。所以我們對所有的事物要常常去觀照,觀照我們沒有認清的自己。
Holly : 我們所認識的、自以為的這個自己,其實跟真實的自己是有很大差別的。
Holly : 一直以來許多年了,弟子一個人在家裡聽經念佛、自修,覺得沒什麼問題,直到今年走出家門,來到道場參加共修學習,親近善知識,在師父身邊和同學們一起交流學習心得,這才知道自己在家裡自學對佛陀教育的理解太狹隘了,眼界、心量都不能開闊,對於修行、學習的方法有誤解。經歷十五年,弟子才發覺,真正的佛陀教育不是我十五年裡所想的那樣。其實就像那面鏡子一樣,弟子在家裡自修自學,只看到自己,聽經聞法也是加上了自己的思想和見解。
(翻譯 :Let me summarize our questions. In fact, what we have raised is correct, and we have seen it clearly. It turns out that everyone has the same view. However, in the end, we need to know ourselves and enlarge our view! It is even more necessary to look far, and often see your own shortcomings, and correct them. “Listening”, that is to say, whether we are looking at pictures, reading scriptures, or chanting Buddha, we are all looking after ourselves, and we use our ability to slowly and gradually make progress. We don’t need to be attached to other people’s studies when it comes to other people’s affairs. In this way, we won’t have too many troubles, because everyone’s karma is different, we have to be tolerant to others.)
Brian : I went to the wrong train stuff, I thought it was right train stuff that I was taken, so I was end up and catching one of the services like Uber instead, unfortunately it was the only way. So just a little messed up, but I just want to make sure that I made it, I thought it was important. But you know it is sort of worth circumstances, right? you come in with your mental image what something is going to be like, that something happens, everything you imagined is like, it pulls rag out from the under it, right? So I think I have experienced in my life, something will come up and sort of , all my plan is just blocked window.
師曰:See, this is very simple, but we missed it.(翻譯:看,很簡單的事情,這是通常我們都會遇到的,但我們忽略了。)今天的主題大家都明白了吧?你們回到各自的日常生活工作,不要執著、不要看別人太多,要內看自己。
Brian : Yes, I mean it’s very easy to see other people, but very difficult to see ourselves. There’s only one person that can deal with things right, but you can deal with external situation. But not even that I can total control over myself either, I mean I still have all these influences, but the only person I can really work on in more seriously is myself, everything right, everything will be served as I. If I changed the window, I mean this is a very old cli·ché right ? be polished the mirror then you can see other people more clearly, but only if you cover it dust , then you can’t see it properly.
師問 Brian:Do you know Bodhi? what is your present bodhi?(翻譯:你知道菩提嗎?什麼是你現在的菩提?)
Brian:Do you mean like elimination?(翻譯:您意思是說消除法?)
師解釋 : What kind Bodhi make you came here? You already told me, but would you like to share with other classmates?(翻譯:像今天,什麼樣的菩提令你來到這裏?雖然你已經告訴我了,你可以也跟其他同學們分享。)
Brian : Well, I meant sort of it is essentially, When I was reflected on my life, reflect on all the thing that I see、 things I meet、and I mean kind of my work, essentially, I asked myself what’s about the essential point? There is always more things one can accumulate, all kinds of stuff, right? Then Have you measured it? How do you know what is the sufficient ? I mean basically taking thought, asking myself what is really going to matter in the end? What’s going to matter kind of alternately, When I am sort of taking thought when I measure my life, how I spent well, is it satisfactory? or I have regrets. I think I can’t be satisfied just with educating myself, I can’t be satisfied with just pleasure , what it’s a pain! I need something that’s really enjoying, it’s not going to be just lost. Because everything else or just be as nothing in the final moment of One’s life unless there is a purified intention, and cleared inside into my condition. I practiced a little bit, but I am definitely not where I wanted to be with my practice, I am not fully given rights sure, I know that I am not output my potential. Basically my intention is to practice much more to dedicated the disciplined ways in my life, so that I will have that confidence.
師曰:Yes, you still not sure, I can tell you the steps, you have to following the beginning. Every single practice even you use Zen or Pure Land, or Tian-Tai, they have to get the basic. You have to go to the basic first, you cannot jump off the basics. I already know that and jumped off that. Even though you already know about Tian-Tai, you know about Pure Land, when you want to get Zen, you have to go back the first step, you can’t go by, I already know that, it’s not working. Whatever you said this is correct and very good.
師曰:你提出來的這些心得體會,你還沒有信心,還欠缺信心,你要在Confidence(自信)多點用功。那怎麼樣才有Confidence呢?第一個要相信佛,要真的相信佛!我跟你說今天是老和尚圓寂的第四十九天。有一個事情可能你還不知道,是關於老和尚的。當老和尚剛出家的時候,他回去拜訪他的老師,李老師用手指著他說,你要信佛!你要信佛!老和尚當時就奇怪了,說我已經出家了,怎麼可能我不相信佛呢?他不單是要相信佛,還要相信他的Teacher.「你要信佛!」因為這一句話很重要,這是我的第二個 Subject 聞思修 in this class。當有一天人家告訴你們:你一定要相信佛!你是不是覺得很奇怪?若然我不相信佛,我來這裏幹什麼? If I’m not believed Buddha, how I come here? If I’m not believed Buddha, how I became a monk for learning Buddha and Buddhism chanting?
Hobby : I would like to share something that was about two to three years ago.
師曰: She said three years ago, she remembered I asked her do you really believe in Buddha? But she cannot answer right away at that time. She was wondering how she should answer this question, and then after that because I had something I needed to do, and she has not been able to answer me. But after three years she brought up this question again and thinking deeper and deeper , this is a good question: Do I really believe in Buddha? If I do not believe in Buddha, why I come here? Why did I listen to Buddhism?
(翻譯:她說三年前,她記得我問她你真的信佛嗎? 但當時她不能馬上回答。 她想知道她應該如何回答這個問題,然後因為我有一些需要去做的事情,所以她一直無法回答我。 但是三年後她又提出這個問題,深入地想這是一個很好的問題:我真的信佛嗎? 如果我不信佛,我為什麼來這裡? 我為什麼聽佛法?)
Also she brought up a sample: if you believe in Buddha, but Buddha said that our body is 四大元素假合 false four elements(made up of the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind) , it‘s not truth, you have to let go your body. Do you believe in what is Buddha said? You are not let go your body, you always protect your body. This is one thing she made her thought that : she is not really believe in Buddha. She is very care about her body, not really believe in what Buddha said. This was she wanted to be shared with us, now go back to my topic.
(翻譯:她還舉了一個例子:如果你信佛,但佛說我們的身體是四大元素假合(由地、水、火、風四大元素組成)身體不是真的 ,你必須放開你的身體。 你相信佛陀所說的嗎? 你沒有放開你的身體,你總是保護你的身體。 這是讓她想到的一件事:她並不是真的相信佛陀。 她很在乎自己的身體,不太相信佛陀的話。 這是她想和我們分享的,好,現在回到我的話題上。)
So the second topic is Believe in Buddha. Confidence and Really believe Buddha, that’s why we have to learn, we have to deeper to reading the Buddhism sutra, we not listen to some master, but I’m not mean that you cannot follow any master, I’m not mean like that.
(翻譯:所以第二個題目是信佛。 信心和真正相信佛陀,所以我們必須學習,我們必須更深入地閱讀佛經,我們不聽某些大師,但我不是說你不能跟隨任何大師,我不是那樣的意思 。)
Because any human being, before realized the fruition of Buddhahood. Before becoming a Buddha, the reverse context still exist, like me, I might have the reverse context, you cannot fully believe what I said.
I just bring up an example, you not believe a person, not become his/her friend and follow as his/her fans , we have to focus on Buddhism sutra. But we realized that being a monk he is a teacher, so everyone follows the monk is 佛、法、僧三寶 (the Buddha, the dharma and the sangha )。Being a monk, we responsible for everything, what we do、what we done、what we talk and speak. So later, the third topics that I will bring up, is related to these. Because we have to responsible whatever we said, whatever we have done, so we have to have contrition。
(翻譯:我只是舉個例子,你不能單相信一個人,而成為他/她的朋友和他/她的粉絲,我們必須專注於佛經。 我們了解到出家人就是老師,所以大家跟隨出家人就是佛、法、僧三寶。所以我們作為一個僧人,要對自己我們所做的、說的負責。 所以後面我要提的第三個話題,就是和這些有關的。 因為我們要對我們所說的、所做的負責,所以我們要懺悔和悔改。)
Brian : Another word in English is contrition, you feel bad senses of, regretted that you have this result, to do better, you have intentions to make amends.
(翻譯:另一個懺悔的英文詞語是Contrition,意思是說你感到慚愧,后悔你所得這個結果,你要更正自己的作為。 )
師曰:This is the third topic : Having contrition. We bring up the first is Listen, the second topic is Believe in Buddha. This is very important to practice. We having a confidence , we making wish, want to achieving goals , and then we have to really to practice it, and then achieved goals. So the first thing, we have to look at the mirror, we look it outside .When we see something wrong, right away we face to it, we are not going to say something like a child : Oh no! this is other person has done it, not me! Contrition ! We honestly correct things and never do it again.
(翻譯:這是第三個話題 : 懺悔。我們提出來的第一個是聽、聞。第二個是:信佛。這是非常重要的修行實踐的方法。我們有自信心,許願、有理想,想要實現願望和達到目標。我們必須真正的去修行、去實踐它,然後才能實現理想。所以,首要第一件事,我們必須照鏡子,看清楚自己,看外面的世界,當我們看到某些錯誤的事情,我們正確的面對,而不會去像一個孩子似的辯駁:那是別人做的,不是我!懺悔! 我們老實的糾正事情,永遠不要再覆這樣做了。)
師曰 : 好,今天我們就講到這個地方,我希望大家能夠在這三個課題中,得到一些利益回家,再繼續努力,keep practice。謝謝大家!阿彌陀佛!
(翻譯 :That is all for today. I hope everyone can be beneficial from today’s three subjects, keep it up and keep practice. Thank you all ! Amitofu ! )